Every moment, most amount of information of all kinds is available through of internet. Many information on the latest advances in the scientific world is now available to all the people who is interested on various issues.
So, the internet plays a key role in globalization in a technological level, because is very quick to share information.
This year, the first in the university, I have used different types of technologies for various academic purposes, mainly in research, and now I will say you how has been this experience.
I remember the first week of classes in the university, in the subject of ''celular biology'' I had to research a paper in which I should find out and make a report about a rare autoimmune disease. There was not much information, but later I found many websites of scientific publications, in which treated general aspects of this pathology, and in others websites were more specific, even talking about the molecular foundations because this disease occurred. All of this was absolutely new for me, because in the college the research were not so specifics and with a grade of requirement so important, and that´s way, was very hard at first for me organize an efficient and accurate search .
Also, the internet has been very important for me in the others subjects, like: genetics, biochemestry, developmental biology, and even in not scientist subjects, like anthropology and psychology, to make reports, solve seminar questions and search information to study for the tests. In sumary, in this sense, I can say that the internet has been very important for me this first year in the university, because I can find all that I need only doing a few clicks from my computer.
I think that the information technologies are essencials for the scientists advances, because make posible that the information can move more easy around the world and so be distributed with a much more efficient in the scientific community and the common people.
Also, I think that is important to know how search the information, to maximize the opportunities that this technology offers us, and that´s why I happy of have had that research because it allowed me to know a world of information not known.
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