viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

The use of technologies within the different subjects you've studied this year


Every moment, most amount of information of all kinds is available through of internet. Many information on the latest advances in the scientific world is now available to all the people who is interested on various issues.

So, the internet plays a key role in globalization in a technological level, because is very quick to share information.

This year, the first in the university, I have used different types of technologies for various academic purposes, mainly in research, and now I will say you how has been this experience.


I remember the first week of classes in the university, in the subject of ''celular biology'' I had to research a paper in which I should find out and make a report about a rare autoimmune disease. There was not much information, but later I found many websites of scientific publications, in which treated general aspects of this pathology, and in others websites were more specific, even talking about the molecular foundations because this disease occurred. All of this was absolutely new for me, because in the college the research were not so specifics and with a grade of requirement so important, and that´s way, was very hard at first for me organize an efficient and accurate search .

Also, the internet has been very important for me in the others subjects, like: genetics, biochemestry, developmental biology, and even in not scientist subjects, like anthropology and psychology, to make reports, solve seminar questions and search information to study for the tests. In sumary, in this sense, I can say that the internet has been very important for me this first year in the university, because I can find all that I need only doing a few clicks from my computer.


I think that the information technologies are essencials for the scientists advances, because make posible that the information can move more easy around the world and so be distributed with a much more efficient in the scientific community and the common people.

Also, I think that is important to know how search the information, to maximize the opportunities that this technology offers us, and that´s why I happy of have had that research because it allowed me to know a world of information not known.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

Challenges in your discipline

Well, today I will talk about my career and the challenges to face and resolve in the present and in the future in the area of obstetrics.

Obstetrics is the science that studies the physiology and patology of the woman during her pregnancy and her reproductive cycle. Also the Obstetrician is the professional who is the responsable of the newborns till the day 28. Also this professional is the responsable of guide the process of delivery and that´s why the Obstetrician had an important role in the society, in spite of the obstetrician had not so social prestige than a physician, or a dentist.

The challenges that must overcome Obstretrics are much, in varied areas like:

- Technology: In many publics hospitals the implements that are used by obstetricians are very old or are in a bad state, compared with a privated clinic. Also, in the publics hospitals the procedures are focused on a more rapid attention, but not necessarily to a best attention to the patient.

I tink that the solution to this problem is ask more resources to the government, and understand that the people who assists to a public centre of health have the same rights of recieve a good attention, than a patient of a private clinic.

- Social Matter: This point is very important. Because the obstetrician is the professional in charge of the process of the delivery, have the big responsability of recieve the baby, and also of be the nexus between the mother and the newborn. I think that the deliveries must be the more naturals possible, if are not a risk for the mother or for the fetus.

- Education: This point also is very important, because the obstetrician must educate to the people about how to avoid the diseases of sexual transmission, and also about the teenage pregnancy. This point also is related in the ''Social matter'' because, in general, the diseases of sexual transmission and the teenage pregnancy are related in the low-income populations.

I think that doing the educational talks in schools is the solution for this problem.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

My Faculty

When I joined to the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad of Chile, the best university in my country, to study obstetrics this year, really I loved this place. It´s located in Independencia # 1027 Avenue, and by his halls and auditoriums have passed many generations of health professionals and famous people, like Salvador Allende and Michelle Bachelet.

In spite of the beauty of this place, has some aspects to improve, like it´s infrastructure, e.g. : the bathrooms, wich sometimes are nasty, and improve in the green areas, to make more nice the free time, and to study with a better disposition.

Also, we need more activities to relax when we are here in the faculty, like better infrastructure to practice sports or a place dedicated to the culture and the art ( in special the music, in my opinion). Also to make more nice our stay here improve in the calefaction, because the faculty is very cold in winter. Also, is necessary eject the dogs that are in the halls of the university and even enter to the auditoriums.

I think that if this aspects are improved, the students would be better in the disposition to study, and would improve the academic performance, because the faculty would be a place more nice to be.
In general, that are the needs more urgent in this moment. If this aspects are improved, the only need of the Universidad de Chile will be keep it academic excellence of ever, to follow being the best university in Chile and one of the best in the world.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

My Hobbies

In my bit of free time, now in the university, when I´m not studying or doing whatever other work in my house, I practice my main hobbies, like ride bicycle, play piano, read some books or go out with my friends to play football.

I like playing the piano very much. I play it since I was 13 years old, and in a start, when I was learning, it was very hard to play it, because I needed a great concentration to perform correctly the notes so that the song sounded nice. This is my favourite hobby, because the music is very good to relax, to develop the concentration and I can play my favourites songs.

Also, when the weather is nice, I like go out to ride in my bicycle, and generally I go to the Parque Padre Hurtado, in La Reina, because is a incredible place to practice that sport, or also walk and enjoy of a beautiful day with the family or also alone.

Also in my free time I do others activities, like playing football with some friends who were my partners in the high school. We meet and rent a baby-football court and we play about 2 hours there.

Also I like reading very much. My favourite books are ''Cien años de soledad'', written by Gabriel García Márquez, ''Crimen y Castigo'', by Fiodor Dostoievsky and ''El túnel'', by Ernesto Sábato. This is a very recommendable hobby because is very good for the intelectual develop and to improve our language.

In summary, the hobbies not only are usefull to spend the time when we haven´t nothing to do, but also some hobbies helps us to develop skills incredibles and it´s good for our self-steem when we overcome that challenges. Also the practice of some hobbies are beneficial fot our health, like the sport.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

The Summer

The summer is for me, the best season because I can have a funny time with my family, I can recovery the energy lost in the year and I like very much the weather, it´s very nice to walk, to practice water sports and go out in general.

My place favourite to go in summer is the beach, and if is a quiet beach it´s better.

Since I was a baby of 3 months of life, I have visited my grandfather´s house in Isla Negra. I go often with my parents and others relatives, and sometimes I have gone with some friends.

Isla Negra it´s a little but very visited spa in the fifth zone in Chile. It´s very famous because is the spa where Pablo Neruda lived the most time of his life.

In general, I go with my parents to Isla Negra, the lastweek of january every year, and we stay there for three weeks or more.

I remember one summer in special, the summer of 2008. I invited to a friend and we had a great time. In the day we went to the seaside to swim, and the night we go out to parties and electronics game with more friends that que have there. I believe that was the best summer in my life.

But not only in my summers is beach. I like very much also the country. My grandfather also have a house in Molina, a little city near to Curico. I like very much that place beause is very quiet, but I can have a great time there because I can go with my friends to the river, to explore the hill, watch the beautifulness of the place, and also the food in the South of Chile is great!

My idea for this summer are go to Isla Negra about two weeks, but also go to Molina other two weeks more, because has passed much time from the last time of I went there, and I miss have nice moments with my relatives who life there.

So I want that the summer comes soon to back to have very beautiful moments with my family...

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

''Scientists prove cancer can be passed on in the womb''

Scientists of the university of London have proved that some cancer cells of a woman in pregnancy, can be transmitted, in rare cases, to the baby before the birth, in the womb.

Through out of the history, has been detected seventeen cases, generally of Leukaemia or melanoma, but aren´t clear the causes and the mechanisms of why this occurs.

So was watched in a case of a Japanese woman, who being in pregnancy, research a cancer and later had a normal delivery, giving birth to a girl baby in apparence healthy.

But one month later, the woman began to fell sick and has a great vaginal bleeding. She was diasnosticated and advanced leukaemia and she died.

When the new born already has eleven months of life, was brought to hospital because a sick, and she was diasnosticated with a tumor in her jaw and her lungs.

When the scientists watched this event, they traied of understand the why of the transmisión, and why the child´s imune system didn´t recognized the cancer cells and destroyed them. And they found a mutation in the genes of the cancer cells of the baby, in genes of HLA, a group of genes which make posible the recognition of the inmune system of foreign agents. So, the cancer cells wasn´t recognized by the inmune system and the baby research the cancer.

The scientists which worked in this investigation said that it´s very rare this event, to calm to the women in pregnancy that are diasnosticated whit cancer.

lunes, 12 de octubre de 2009

The Sports

The Sport has always been a priority for me. Since I was a child my parents encouraged to practice by buying soccer balls and tennis racquets. The truth is that they are grateful, because without exaggeration, without sport, my life would not be the same.

The truth is that I have always practiced some form of sport. I play Football since I was a child and also played tennis, I like swimming and sports has always been a way to forget my problems, stress and helped me a lot to have a better quality of life, not only from the point physically, but also the mental standpoint. People believe that sport and physical activity is performed only for a matter of esthetics or physical, both very important, but the sport also allows us to improve our quality of life in relation to the courage that we might have, since to make physical activity releases endorphins and makes us feel wonderful and happy.

That's a good reason to play sports not only individually, but also that physical activity benefits the whole of a country, since people would feel better, have better productivity at work, have fewer people with depression and our country would benefit because it would encourage more sports champions and we should leave it standing the name of Chile in other countries.For all this, added to the undoubted physical benefits (level respiratory and cardiac) that gives us the practice of physical activity, I recommend to play sports and have a nice time!

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

If you go to Santiago...

If you travel to Chile, and you visit Santiago, you will have many options to get fun and have a nice stay in this beautiful city. Whichever it is your intention to travel to Santiago (business, holidays, studies) you must to know this places:

1.- Forestal Park: If you want a beautiful and quite place to walking, reading, or just distracted for a moment, you should visit this beautiful park located near the center of Santiago.

2.- Quinta Normal Park: If you are searching other park, but mixed with art and culture, you must go to this beatiful place. Quinta Normal Park is a public park located in the commune of Santiago. It covers an area of about 40 hectares and its interior has an artificial lagoon. Inside there are many interesting places to visit:

- Botanic Garden and the Greenhouse, founded in 1853.
- The Museum of Contemporary Art.
- The Railroad Museum of Chile.
- The National Museum of Natural History.
- The Museum of Science and Technology.

And many others places and acitivities which will do unforgettable your visit to Santiago.

3.- The San Cristobal hill: Located between the comunnes of Providence and Recoleta, this hill is the second greater height of the city of Santiago. In this place we can found the Tupahue pool, and in its top, is the Shrine of the Immaculate Concepcion, where is the Statue of the Virgen Maria, which can be see it from all Santiago, because its great lenght.

If you don´t want to walk to the top of this hill, you may do it trought the pick tramp.

Also in this hill is the Metropolitan Zoo, with a great variety of especies.

Because this and another reasons, I recommend you visit this beautiful city...

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009

Transantiago, before and after

The new public transport system in Santiago, called ''Transantiago'', began its operation on 10th February 2007.

In a start, had a very bad aceptation by the people. Santiago was in chaos. The people had to wait too time an even hours to take a bus to arrive to their works places in the morning, and to back to home, in the evening. Thats way, many people were unhappy with this new system of the public transport and they demanded the resignation of transport minister, because all the problems caused.

But in my opinion, not all of this change has been negative. For example, before of transantiago I did must pay my ticket with cash money, which was very uncomfortable. In this new system, I have to pay with a card rechargeable, called ''Bip'' Card, a way very much easy and comfortable to pay, and more secure for the bus driver because they haven money, and they not suffer many assaults than before the transantiago.

Other positive aspect of this change has been the reduction of environmental pollution, and acustic pollution, because the the buses are more news and modern than the another buses before of the implementation of transantiago.

The negative aspects I think is the long time that I must to wait some buses, but this problem has improved trought of the time.

In summary, I think that this change has been a good idea, and in spite of had several problems in its start, this problems has been solved step by step...

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

A country I would like to visit

My dream has always been to visit and know Greece, and I hope to get that dream true, maybe by job or maybe as a tourist.

The greek capital is Atenas, and this country conforms the European Union.

I like that country, mainly because the richness of it´s culture and the beautiful of it´s places, like the mount Olympus, the ``house`` of the greeks gods.

If I travel someday there, I would visit all the historics places of the greek culture and take many pictures.

One of the most incredible and beautiful monuments in the world is the partenon, a temple dedicated to Atenas, protective goddess for the greeks, and which it´s built over the greek Acropolis.

The greek culture it´s the most important and influential fot the occidental culture, even in ours times.

Also in that country born the Olpympics Games during the old times.

The most important philosophers were greeks like Homero, Hipocrates and Pitagoras.

I would like to study there or in other european country, or work there because the quality of life is better than here in south america.

Sumaring, really I hope to visit Greece someday and I think that experience would be one which that I never would forget.

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009

My experience in the first semester

During the first semester of 2009, I did many news friends and we share goods moments at the university. I feel that I am not the same since I go to the university; I have grown as person. I did must to face hards moments too, above all in the first part of the semester, because I had many test and the contents were very hards. But studying and trying to sort my free time I finished the first semester with goods marks.

I learned many things, but respect in academic part, I learned very much about chemestry, celular biology, genetics, embriology, basic nursery and medical antropology.

My family has give to me all the help that I need to face this new stage in the university, they buys to me the medical books that I need and also I received the congratulations every time I got a good mark in a evaluation.

In my limited free time at the university, I played table tenis with my friends and was very entertaining.

Summarizing, this first semester was great and I have back with all the energy to face these news challenges in my university life, and I hope that the friends wich I made here I get keep them for a long time...

viernes, 3 de julio de 2009

A talk About Education

What is understood and applied as education today is far from encouraging the creativity and innovation of students. Subjects such as mathematics or science such as physics and chemistry have become so boring and methodical, that we are hated by most students. I am not opposed to mathematical formulas, nor disregard the existing knowledge in the field of science. Quite the contrary. For that true education is carried out successfully for the student, it must have a solid base of knowledge and reasoning. But when it acquires and masters, here comes the problem. Most educational establishments remains there. We have a clear example with what happens in one quarter in half the schools. When leaving, if we want to enter a prestigious university, we must give the PSU, which is not measured at all the intelligence nor the ability to apply their knowledge into something practical, only subject to orders according to their ability to handle concepts in various areas of knowledge, but not implemented.

The saddest thing is that following this educational model that is imposed now, will reach a point in the life of someone who is well educated, they will be afraid to make mistakes and will prefer to adopt mathematical formulas and models already set, losing their imagination and their desire to innovate.

The intelligence is not only know formulas, namely the capital cities or to understand the physiological processes of the human body, but that knowledge is knowing how to process and make it available to people, daring to innovate for the sake of humanity and this a better world.

lunes, 29 de junio de 2009

my blogging experience

I enjoyed a lot doing the activities of the blog, although I must admit that cost me a little complete all the numbers of words that the teacher required on each activity, because I´m a man of little words when I express my ideas, but the true it´s I enjoyed very much with this method of training. I find it very interesting and it helped me a lot.

I think that helped me a lot to improve my English, because the activities focused on a specific topic to develop and that obviously helped me a lot to build mentally the sentences in English.

In general I have not complaints against this new system of teaching English, although it would be advisable that the classes were a bit more early, not so late, because I admit that more of once I got to English class without wanting to do nothing.

I sincerely think that if that solves this problem of time, students will touch the next time this course will come with much better mood and willingness to undertake the activities.

I also think we could reduce class time, but they were three classes a week instead of two, so they are not as large classes and not leave it so late to the university.

It I liked about this new education system that is highly interactive and occupy resources of all kinds: visual, auditory, audio-visual review websites in English about our respective careers.

Finally, in summary I can say that the English classes, although at first seemed very stressful for me when we played, I used a lot to develop my English, because some time ago not to practice, and especially methodology of the blogs, because it allowed the class more dynamic and entertaining, besides being a very practical and innovative.

viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

My Ideal Job

My ideal job would be any related with the health, working in hospitals and clinics, and of course, in the night with turns. Really I love the hospitals and if it´s in the night, iti´s better.

Sincerely, I wanted study medicine, and work in Emergency area, but i´m studying obstetrics and also I can take a job with turns.

To be happy in this job, first of all should be earning enough money, and be in a nice place, have a good relationship with my partners. I prefer works in publics hospitals, although earn less money than in a private clinic.

To be competent in this job, I need be responsible, have a great vocation, because it is a complex work, and also be ethical, because I work with people.

I would be good in this job, because I have all the conditions to work in a job related with the health, but over all, I have a great vocation for this.

It would not be difficult find this type of job, all the opposite, because in the medical area there is a deficit of people who works in specialties medicals, especially in public hospitals and clinics, to attend to many people who must wait a long time to be watched by an especialist.

viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

My Favourite subject

Currently, my favourite subject is Biochemestry. The teacher in charge of the biochemestry seminar for me is Juan Venegas. I like very much this subject because I love the Chemestry in special when it´s aplicated in the biology. Also, the know of the chemestry let us understand why appear the illness and at the same time found the answer to sick, because the biochemestry it´s the most basic science for make medicines.

This semester I have learnt the metabolic processes of the human body, the biosynthesis of energy for the cell and how this it´s exploited to the cell does it´s vital processes and it´s survival. Also we have studied the main pathologies related with metabolics errors as diabetes, a very important pathology which affects to many people in the world currently and it´s relationship with the pregnancy.

I think I have obtain goods marks in the seminaries test, because I study much and I love learning the Biochemestry.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

My life in 5 years

I want to finish my career at the time, working in a public hospital because they need professionals to meet deliveries. I would like to have enough money to become independent and able to help my family financially. Later I will study Medicine and I will work in this area.

I think I will live in a big house here in santiago, I hope near my workplace. I don´t know if it will be with my girlfriend or alone, but I will marry later of 30 years old.

But the most important thing is that my family is good health and they are happy, and if I can make it, I will. The health it´s the most important thing, and we most care it, so I hope that my family is good of health and share many moments with they... These are my wishes for my future.

The best in Obstetrics

I think the best in the history was Cornelia, also known as Madre de los Gracos, a roman midwife who lived between 189 B. C. -110 B. C.

She was the mother of twelve children, but only 3 reached adulthood. Was a woman of strong character and culture. After her husband's death (153 BC), refused to marry the king of Egypt, Ptolemy VIII Evérgetes to devote to their children's education.

When she was very old, a bronze statue was erected in the Roman Forum in her honor. It was the first statue of a woman presented in public.

I admire because he had a successful career as a midwife, despite the difficulties they faced in their time. Cornelia also liked the treatment of people, and was hospitable to their guests. Received in his house Greek cults and all sorts of writers

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009

The Obstetrics

I must be honest. The obstetrics wasn´t my first option. I always did want estudy medicine. But little by little I began to like obstetrics. I liked the idea of being present at birth and helping women through their reproductive cycle. The role of the midwife is very important in our society because it provides a service to women in all matters related to their sexuality.

The main tools that should have a midwife are: Sound science in the biological and molecular. empathy with people. Ethics. Responsibility for their work and vocation.

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

I Love this picture!!!!

I Love this picture!!!!

It was taken on february 9th 2009 by a friend. Was a beautiful sunset in Isla Negra.

I like very much because the color of the sky on a sunset it´s incredible and if is on seashore it´s better. It´s a very good time to be quiet and think. Also I love the beach and I enjoy much when I go there.

I want go there now!!!!!!!!


viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

Obstetrics related websites

I recommend the website because it´s a site when I can found many information and news about the obstetrics around the world.

It´s a very interesting web because speak about many thems related with this profession and can be used as reference to consults of the obstetrics professionals and general people

My favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is the computer. When I´m bored I can play computer games, watch movies, and chat with my friends or also meet new people. Also it´s very useful to search information about the medical sciens and obstetrics, if I have acces to internet. The computer it´s a tool wich had made many good things possible, and because these and other reasons I can say: I love my computer!!!!


about me...

My name is Sebastian Araya. I'm eigthteen years old and I live in Santiago, Chile. Actually I'm studing obstetrics in Universidad de Chile, the best university in my country. I´m very happy in this new stage in my life, althougth I did want sutdy medicine.I´m tall, brown eyes and hair, I like watch TV, play soccer and ping-pong and listen music.About my personality I can say that I´m a person too happy, I like meet new people and go to parties with my friends.I like speak english, and learn others idioms, as italiano and french.I live with my parents, my daugther and my grand-parents, in San joaquin, and I like very much go to the University!!!