lunes, 12 de octubre de 2009

The Sports

The Sport has always been a priority for me. Since I was a child my parents encouraged to practice by buying soccer balls and tennis racquets. The truth is that they are grateful, because without exaggeration, without sport, my life would not be the same.

The truth is that I have always practiced some form of sport. I play Football since I was a child and also played tennis, I like swimming and sports has always been a way to forget my problems, stress and helped me a lot to have a better quality of life, not only from the point physically, but also the mental standpoint. People believe that sport and physical activity is performed only for a matter of esthetics or physical, both very important, but the sport also allows us to improve our quality of life in relation to the courage that we might have, since to make physical activity releases endorphins and makes us feel wonderful and happy.

That's a good reason to play sports not only individually, but also that physical activity benefits the whole of a country, since people would feel better, have better productivity at work, have fewer people with depression and our country would benefit because it would encourage more sports champions and we should leave it standing the name of Chile in other countries.For all this, added to the undoubted physical benefits (level respiratory and cardiac) that gives us the practice of physical activity, I recommend to play sports and have a nice time!

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