viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

Challenges in your discipline

Well, today I will talk about my career and the challenges to face and resolve in the present and in the future in the area of obstetrics.

Obstetrics is the science that studies the physiology and patology of the woman during her pregnancy and her reproductive cycle. Also the Obstetrician is the professional who is the responsable of the newborns till the day 28. Also this professional is the responsable of guide the process of delivery and that´s why the Obstetrician had an important role in the society, in spite of the obstetrician had not so social prestige than a physician, or a dentist.

The challenges that must overcome Obstretrics are much, in varied areas like:

- Technology: In many publics hospitals the implements that are used by obstetricians are very old or are in a bad state, compared with a privated clinic. Also, in the publics hospitals the procedures are focused on a more rapid attention, but not necessarily to a best attention to the patient.

I tink that the solution to this problem is ask more resources to the government, and understand that the people who assists to a public centre of health have the same rights of recieve a good attention, than a patient of a private clinic.

- Social Matter: This point is very important. Because the obstetrician is the professional in charge of the process of the delivery, have the big responsability of recieve the baby, and also of be the nexus between the mother and the newborn. I think that the deliveries must be the more naturals possible, if are not a risk for the mother or for the fetus.

- Education: This point also is very important, because the obstetrician must educate to the people about how to avoid the diseases of sexual transmission, and also about the teenage pregnancy. This point also is related in the ''Social matter'' because, in general, the diseases of sexual transmission and the teenage pregnancy are related in the low-income populations.

I think that doing the educational talks in schools is the solution for this problem.

1 comentario:

  1. hi man how are you???
    i'm agree with you, we are the best!!
    take care of yourself!!!
